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Special Education


Welcome to the Perris Union High School District’s Special Education Department

California Education Code Section 56031 defines Special Education as “specially designed instruction, at no cost to the parent, to meet the unique needs of individuals with exceptional needs, whose educational needs cannot be met without modification of the regular instructional program, and related services at no cost to the parent, which may be needed to assist such individuals to benefit from specially designed instruction.”

Perris Union High School District serves approximately 1850 students with special needs across three comprehensive high schools, one middle school, two alternative education schools, and one charter school. All sites and school staff strive to provide effective and consistent supports and services to all of our students with exceptional needs.

Special Education is based upon a couple of fundamental tenets. The first tenet is that every child in California has the right to a free and appropriate public education. Second is the idea that students should be given instruction in the Least Restrictive Environment, which is to say that students with disabilities should be taught alongside their non-disabled peers to the greatest extent possible.

The Perris Union High School District Special Education Department is committed to treating all students with courtesy, dignity and respect, with the goal that all students receive the services they require to succeed in our schools.

Should you have any questions about our department or should you have any concerns, please feel free to contact our office.

  • Special Education Department
    515 East 7th Street
    Perris, CA 92570
    (951) 943-6369, 81300
  • Special Education Fax:
    (951) 943-6501


Amil Alzubaidi
Director of Special Education
(951) 943-6369, 81301

Dr. Esmeralda Chalfant
Coordinator of Special Education
(951) 943-6369, 82110

Erika Heliger-Garcia
Coordinator of Special Education
Pathways for Adult Life Skills Principal
(951) 943-6369, 82110

Sandra Ruiz
Coordinator of Mental Health Services
(951) 943-6369, 82200

Chad Shaner
Program Specialist of Special Education
(951) 943-6369, 81306

James Holmes III
Program Specialist of Special Education
(951) 943-6369, 81308

Deanna Fritz
Secretary I
(951) 943-6369, 81302

RoseMarie Puente
Senior Clerk/Records Requests
(951) 943-6369, 81304

Myrna Sanchez
(951) 943-6369, 81303

Helen Stimach
Secretary I
951-943-6369, 82241

The SELPA Office

Mental Health Resources

meditation brain

Adapted PE Resources

wheelchair curls
