High School Graduation Requirements
Students shall receive diplomas of graduation from high school only after completing the prescribed course of study and meeting the standards of proficiency established by the district and the state. All students who are planning to attend a four-year college and/or university should consult with their school counselor to develop a four-year plan that is acceptable for admission purposes. Coursework requirements vary at each institution.
Perris Union High School District also offers Career Technical Education (CTE) courses. CTE is a program of study that involves a multiyear sequence of courses that integrates core academic knowledge with technical and occupational knowledge to provide students with a pathway to postsecondary education and careers. More information can be found at cde.ca.gov/ci/ct​ Students are encouraged to meet with school counselors to help them choose courses at their school that will meet college admission requirements or enroll in career technical education courses, or both.
Here is the breakdown of the 225 Total Credits Needed to Graduate
40 Credits - English
Four (4) years of English
30 Credits - Mathematics
Three (3) years of Math
- Algebra 1 must be passed
30 Credits - Science
Three (3) years of Science
- One year of Life Science (10 Credits)
- One year of Physical Science (10 Credits)
- One year of Science Requirement (10 Credits)
30 Credits - History
Three (3) years of History
- One year of World History (10 Credits)
- One year of US History (10 Credits)
- One semester of American Government (5 Credits)
- One semester of Economics (5 Credits)
20 Credits - Physical Education
Two (2) years of PE
10 Credits - Visual and Performing Arts
One (1) year of Visual or Performing Arts
10 Credits - World Language
One (1) year of American Sign Language or World Language
55 Credits - Electives
The remaining 55 credits may be taken from any courses offered at the high school or the ROP program. 10 credits may be taken in TA; 20 credits may be taken in work experience; 20 credits may be earned through Community Service.