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Risk Management

Risk Management Logo

The Risk Management Department encompasses;

  • employee health benefits
  • a self insured workers compensation program with an early return to work program that strives to keep injured employees working in a temporary modified capacity while medical treatment continues
  • a pro-active property and liability program designed to protect the District from third party claims and reimburses the District for lost or damaged property (first party claims)
  • employee safety that includes safety plans and procedures for hazard assessments, ergonomic evaluations, site inspections, and staff training
  • emergency preparedness that includes procedures, training and drills to ensure staff and students are prepared in the event of an emergency

In all cases, the objective is to protect District resources against the increasing costs of potential losses, while supporting the educational process. For every dollar spent on litigation or claims, there is one less dollar available for the students in the classroom.

Adam Estrada

Director of Risk Management and Environmental Safety
(951) 943-6369 ext 80281

Tim Hall

Risk Management Specialist
(951) 943-6369 x 80284

Arie Lizarraga

Risk Management Specialist
(951) 943-6369 ext 80283

Natalie Vasquez

Risk Management Specialist
(951) 943-6369 ext 80282

Hour-Zero Emergency Preparedness Program is now online.
Click Here to sign in.

Hour zero logo


WeTip's School Safety Program offers the WeTip anonymous hotline to staff, students and their families. WeTip's hotline is a way to get involved in establishing a safer school and community through the 24/7 anonymous crime reporting hotline.

Wetip logo

The Risk Management Office encourages everyone to practice safety; read the Weekly Safety Tip provided by the National Safety Council.

Wst hdr

If you have car trouble at night, make sure to pull off the road as far as possible and keep passengers off the roadway. Warn approaching traffic by setting up reflecting triangles (near your vehicle and 300 feet behind it) and turning on your flashers and the dome light. Get more on driver safety.