Local Control Accountability Plan
The LCAP is an important component of the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF). Under the LCFF all LEAs are required to prepare an LCAP, which describes how they intend to meet annual goals for all pupils, with specific activities to address state and local priorities identified pursuant to EC Section 52060(d).
For more information please visit the California Department of Education’s LCFF FAQ website at:
Goal #1 - All students will attain grade level proficiency in English Language Arts and mathematics
Goal #2 - All students will graduate from high school prepared for post-secondary and career options or obtain a certificate of high school completion
Goal #3 - All departments and sites will provide a safe and positive environment for all students and staff.
Goal #4 - Secure and strengthen home-school-community connections and communications.
Goal #5 - Targeted intervention and services to improve student performance and promote academic success for students with disabilities and students experiencing homelessness.