Foster Youth
Foster child means a child who has been removed from his or her home pursuant to Section 309 of the Welfare and Institutions Code (“WIC”), is the subject of a petition filed under Section 300 or 602 of the WIC, or has been removed from his or her home and is the subject of a petition filed under WIC section 300 or 602.
- 2025-26 FAFSA/CADAA Application Window - opens 12/1/2024
- 2024-25 JBAY FAFSA/CADAA Challenge - Senior Foster Youth - Kicks-Off 12/1/2024
Foster Youth Law AB 167/216 - Helping Foster Youth Graduate
Assembly Bill 167/216 allows a school district to exempt a pupil in foster care from all coursework and other requirements adopted by the governing board of the school district that are in addition to the statewide coursework requirements for graduation if the pupil, while he or she is in grade 11 or 12, transfers into the school district from another school district or between high schools within the school district, unless the school district makes a finding that the pupil is reasonably able to complete the additional requirements in time to graduate from high school while he or she remains eligible for foster care benefits. Please see your school counselor for additional information.