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Citizens' Oversight Committee (COC)

Citizens’ Oversight Committee (Measures T & W)

The next COC meeting will be held:

Tuesday, February 25, 2025
5:00 -6:00 pm
Paloma Valley High School


To ensure that Measure T & W funds are used in accordance with the intention of the voters and with the highest possible level of efficiency so that every project funded promotes a safe and welcoming environment to better serve the educational needs of the children in our communities.


To validate to the community and Board of Trustees that all funds received through Measures T & W are expended only for the purposes set forth in each respective Measure as stated in the bond proposal and as approved by the voters on November 6, 2012 and November 6, 2018.

  • To review financial plans ensuring that the optimum combination of local and state funds are applied to plans and projects.
  • To inform and provide annual reports to parents, members of the community, and to the Board of Trustees of the Perris Union High School District.
  • Supports District administration with the assistance of administrative functions to the committee’s needs.

Current Members:

  • Sheila Curtis
  • Eric Kroencke
  • William Hulstrom
  • Marilee Menez
  • George Mills
  • Joshua D. Naggar, Esq.
  • Samantha Robles


Meetings of the COC are called, noticed, held and conducted subject to the Ralph M. Brown Act, and are open to the public (Full details of the Ralph M. Brown Act can be found on the State of California Office of the Attorney General). Meetings shall be conducted according to such additional procedural rules as the Committee may adopt. A majority of the number of committee members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of any business of the committee.
